Calendopaedia - Abbreviations

LettersExpansionAdditional information
AD Anno Domini Latin "The year of Our Lord".
Counting from the incarnation of Christ.
AL Anno Lucis Latin "The year of light"
Equivalent to AD + 4000.
AM Anno Mundi Latin "The year of the world".
Counting from the year of creation in Jewish history.
Creation is accepted as 7 Oct. 3761 BC.
AUC Ab Urbe Conditâ Latin "Since the founding of the city (Rome)".
BC Before Christ Counts backwards from the incarnation of Christ.
BCE Before Common Era Equivalent to BC.
BP Before Present Counts backwards from the current year.
CE Common Era Equivalent to AD.
UT Universal Time The mean solar time at the meridian of Greenwich, UK.
UTC Coordinated Universal Time The universal standard of time based on atomic time

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